Your wisdom teeth are the third set of molars at the very back of your mouth in the top and bottom corners. Most people have four wisdom teeth, but others have just a couple or none at all.
Unlike your other permanent teeth, wisdom teeth don’t come in until your teens or early 20s. Wisdom teeth are often misaligned or crowded, and they can increase your risk of cavities, tooth pain, and other issues.
At Sunrise Dental, the periodontist evaluates the presence and positioning of your wisdom teeth clinically and with an X-ray. Wisdom teeth can be extracted if you’re experiencing pain, but your periodontist might also recommend early extraction to prevent issues from developing.
If your wisdom teeth come in straight and don’t overcrowd other teeth, they may be an asset. However, most people benefit from wisdom tooth extraction because their mouths simply don’t have enough space to accommodate the extra teeth.
Wisdom teeth are often impacted and become trapped inside your gums or jaw, which can be painful. Even if teeth come in without an issue, they can emerge at an angle and press against existing teeth.
The Sunrise Dental periodontist may recommend wisdom tooth removal if your wisdom teeth are impacted, come in crooked, or crowd other teeth or have the potential to cause other problems.
You might need your wisdom teeth removed if you have gum disease or significant cavities. Since they’re located at the back of your mouth, reaching wisdom teeth with a toothbrush and floss can be challenging.
All wisdom teeth extractions at Sunrise Dental are performed by the on-staff periodontist.
Surgical wisdom teeth extraction is a type of oral surgery that requires the periodontist to cut into your gums or jawbone to extract the teeth. After removing the teeth, the periodontist stitches the incisions up, and the area is allowed to heal. A follow-up appointment would be scheduled.
Are you bothered by wisdom tooth pain? Extraction could be a good option for you. Call the team at Sunrise Dental or book an appointment online today.